Global Executive Search

Global Boutique Executive Search

Confisa Executive Search provides human capital search and selection services to leading organizations seeking executive-level professionals.

Key projects for critical roles take place in more than 70 countries across EMEA, APAC, and the Americas region.

Confisa International Group’s first company was founded in Mexico City. The company has presence throughout the most important cities in developed, emerging, and frontier markets, and its headquarters have been based in Pembroke Pines, FL since the year 2000.

Global Alliances

Confisa Global Alliance enhances companies that have recruitment needs abroad for their offices/subsidiaries/sales/business development activities.

We do this via our main partners, recruiters, and executive search firms’ networks around the globe, all of whom are proven and trustable experts who provide top-class service.

As a prime vendor manager, our business model is based on a direct and effective service to our clients (business leaders looking to measure & manage their spending), as we introduce them to our immediate trustable partners and leading executive search firms in the specific region or industry market where they are hiring.

Through direct communications, we have successfully helped our clients find great candidates globally while adding value and increasing revenues to our partner recruiters abroad.

Get in Touch With Us!

Ready to advance your business? Connect with Confisa International Group to explore how we can support your growth and success. Reach out today—we’re here to help!

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